2014 Trading Tax Education
Trading Taxes made easy.
Problem to solve
Service: Italy Only
A number of customers wanted to start trading, although were discouraged by the end of year complicated tax process to the tax authorities.
Large penalities can occur if this is manage incorrectly and often, online brockerage firms do not simpfly this process for Italians.
Working with a team of accountants and lawyers, we developed a low-cost, effective solution complimentary to each online broker. Simplfying the tax process ensuring its easy to understand for the end user.
A team of professional accountants and lawyers ran weekly events answering common questions and doubts about the process.
Key Features
Trading and Investing tax submission process
+50 educatonal videos
Weekly educational email series
Education trading and investing blog
Power in Numbers
+1 million
Youtube Views
Clients Trained
Ventures and Projects Created