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Tom Jauncey

8 Powerful Public Speaking Tips to Be a Master

Public Speaking Tips To Be a Master Speaker

Public speaking and communication represent some of the most important assets to pay attention to in order to grow professionally. However, the fear of public speaking still remains one of the most widespread forms of anxiety today.

Have you ever found yourself in the situation of having to give a speech in public? Have you also blocked yourself, allowing yourself to be invaded by anxiety? At least once it has happened to every one, since childhood. From the exposition of a poem in a school play to the discussion of a degree thesis.

If these situations cause you anxiety and stress, you are not the only one who reacts in this way. As anticipated, public speaking represents a real emotional block for many people, from students to managers of large companies.

However, if you really want to grow in what you do and be successful, you too must learn to manage these moments and master the art of public speaking. With training and work on yourself, it is really possible to overcome your mental blocks.

Therefore, below we will discover 8 tips to follow to learn to speak and express yourself better in public and in front of many people. Now, this is essential to achieve goals in work and in life.

8 simple steps for public speaking

1. Program the speech

Don’t go off the cuff! If you are still inexperienced, and public speaking is very traumatic for you, plan your speech in advance. When you have achieved considerable dexterity, and you are master of the subject matter, then you can improvise.

Without a guiding pattern, you will run into two risks: not being understandable and boring the audience. In addition, prepare some questions that may arise after finishing the exhibition. This will help you be ready and prepared to clear up any doubts.

Finally, focus above all on the beginning and end of the speech. The first is very important because it will determine whether the audience will listen to you until the end or not. If the introduction of the speech does not already catch the attention, it is difficult for you to do it in the following minutes.

The end, on the other hand, represents what will remain in the mind of the listeners once finished.

2. Take advantage of para-verbal and non-verbal communication

As you already know, the message we want to convey does not only pass through our words. Our gestures, our posture and our attitude also have a great influence. If I want to convey a message of happiness, by placing myself closed in on myself, gloomy and with a low voice, the attempt will fail.

Work on posture, tone of voice, gestures. Especially when you want to highlight important concepts. According to some studies, the most remembered phrases are those accompanied by significant and obvious gestures.

According to neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), there are 3 different attitudes during communication: rejection, tension and liking. Refusal is shown with distances, both in words and gestures (say NO, or retreat). Tension is released with nervous tics, sighs, scratching, sweating or swaying of the legs. The satisfaction, on the other hand, is transmitted with approaches, smiles and facial expressions.

Therefore, train yourself to communicate with the body as well. In addition, you will be able to immediately perceive the feedback of the audience.

3. Know your audience

The context in which you will have to present your thesis is very important. It could be a business meeting, a convention, a debate or an interview. Either way, you will also need to weigh what you say based on who you will be facing. Understanding who will listen to you is essential to hit the mark. Having a target audience will help you find the right words to convey the message optimally.

Will you speak in front of people who have no idea what topic you are dealing with? You will have to express simple and general concepts.

Will you be faced with an audience of technicians and specialists? You will most likely have to go more specific.

4. Express yourself clearly

Sometimes, performance anxiety can lead to expressing concepts in a completely inaccurate and botched way. How many times has this happened to you? At an exam, during an interview or a business meeting. Has anyone ever asked you the following questions: “So?”, “What do you mean?”

This means that we have not been clear and concise in expressing a concept. Perhaps, taken by anxiety or caught unprepared, we prevaricated in our speech, not getting straight to the point.

Synthesis is a very important ally to express yourself at your best. The average attention span is around 20 minutes, which means that the audience gets tired quickly. You can’t waste time on irrelevant details.

Also, use clear language, don’t use too many technicalities and use short sentences. Practice placing your speech to a person unrelated to the subject, such as a family member or friend. If he or she also understands what you say, it means that you are in the right direction.

5: Use the rule of 3

The rule of 3 is one of the cornerstones of Public Speaking. It has been used by prominent people like Steve Jobs and is still important in marketing and story-telling today.

It consists in dividing our speech into 3 essential parts, that is 3 basic concepts. The first two have a preparatory function, the third is composed of an emotional charge, which clarifies its meaning. It is often used in politics with slogans, or even in advertisements. This rule allows you to memorize the message in a clear and fast way.

However, it must be supported by good break management. Initially, attention is captured, for example with a personal story. Subsequently, the audience is given time to understand, and finally, it closes with an impressive phrase that remains impressed on the listener.

6. Be yourself

This is one of the most important steps to follow. The best way to express a thought is to truly believe it. If you argue about something you don’t care about or don’t like, avoid doing it. The public perceives when they do not identify with what they say.

In front of the audience, you will have to show all of yourself, because only in this way can you leave your mark. At that moment you will not only convey what you say, but you will show everyone who you are, what you think your story.

So, if what you hear is consistent with what you say, the task of getting your message across will be simple. Showing oneself inconsistently with one’s essence is one of the most imposing obstacles to being incisive.

So, break down your barriers, take off your mask, be proud to show yourself to the public as you are. Don’t dwell much on your appearance.

Also look after your image with appropriate clothing, but don’t consider it as your main strength.

7. Tell something personal

The best way to be clear is to express yourself with practical examples. Personal stories are a really effective tool for conveying a thought.

First of all, this allows you to attract attention, at least initially. Furthermore, telling something of yours helps to explain a complicated concept in a simple and direct way.

What amazes you or interests you? What really excites you? To convey emotions you must first try them. So why not use your personal experiences to succeed in this?

8. Training and dedication

The eighth and final step is exercise. There are different methods to “train” our most powerful opponents such as anxiety and fear.

The first is diaphragmatic breathing. When we are anxious or worried we tend to breathe with the muscles of the neck, decreasing the inhaled and exhaled air. In fact, anxious people tend to breathe with the upper chest and high frequency.

Breathing with the diaphragm instead (therefore with the belly), allows us to relax the contracted muscles and calm the psycho-physical state. Changing the physiology of the body also allows changing the function. Therefore, breathing deeply with the diaphragm allows us to calm down and relax.

Another training method is self-registration. Practice speaking in front of a video camera. By now, the “eye” of the telephone arouses almost the same emotions as the human eye. Repeating the speech several times while recording allows the brain to get used to the situation, causing less stress. Therefore, it will make an impact with the public less traumatic.

Practice your skills and learn the art of public speaking

Well, at this point it’s up to you. Were these tips useful for you to master the art of public speaking and learn how to speak in public?

If so, start practising them now, practice with friends, acquaintances or family. Ask for feedback on the content, impression and emotions you have aroused.

Without a doubt, with training, you can overcome the anxiety and terror of speaking to a large audience. Subsequently, you will be able to see for yourself that these obstacles, after all, will not be so insurmountable.


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